How many days has it been since the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) was enforced? Are there any changes that happened in our community? Are there changes that happened within ourselves?
There are many negative issues surrounding the ECQ specially to our poor brothers and sisters who carry the heaviest burden of the quarantine. The quarantine, however, is not without a positive effect not only in our health but also in our lives.
Today is our time to slowdown and reflect on our lives. What have we accomplished so far? What good things have we done during our lifetime? What good things can we do in the future?
In this time where there is no competition of who flew the farthest or who spent cash the most, we learn to appreciate the FREE things that make us happy. As we sit in our homes, are there things in our lives that made us happy even without spending money such as a helpful friend or sibling, the blue sky, or a peaceful mind.
We also start to appreciate the importance of every human being that made our lives comfortable. As we sit and look at our coffee, we start to thank the people who
… made the cup,
…the workers who built the chair,
…the employees who made the container of the coffee,
…the farmers who planted the coffee plant,
…the people who harvested the coffee,
…the people who roasted the coffee seeds to bring out its aroma,
…the drivers who transported the coffee to the shops,
…the shop owners who opened their stores,
…the employees who placed the coffee in visible areas,
…the cashier who took our payment,
…the driver who helped us get to the grocery store to buy the coffee,
…the people responsible for giving us drinkable water,
… ourselves for brewing the perfect coffee,
…everyone who made it possible to have a cup of coffee, and
…to our LORD who made the sun shine and water to flow, who held back the disasters so that the coffee can fruit and ripen, who allowed all the people to exist so that we can drink this cup of coffee,
…this list can go on and on.
You see, we are all connected and every human being is useful. We may be one of the people who brought food to the table of other people. Our existence, whether or not we know, is a blessing to other people. To that, we should be happy that we brought happiness to other people. We may not know it, but what we do and who we are is important to other people.
So, to the question of what good things did we do in our lifetime, the answer is the same to our answer in this question…
“How did help other people smile through our efforts, whether in our jobs or in our everyday routine?”

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