Every little step is an achievement worthy of celebration

“From now on, I will celebrate all the good things that fall into my hands, whether it is big or small”. This is a new mantra that I keep on reminding myself. I used to ignore the small achievements that I received and only wait for events worthy of celebration like winning a competition or graduating from school.
I used to ignore my Facebook Page, but as people appreciate and like the page, I cannot help but be thankful and celebrate every person that likes it. For some, it is only a small insignificant gesture, but for me, it is such a big thing. As I saw people appreciating what I do, I learned that I should not ignore the small things in life.
We should not only focus on the big blessings or events. If we do, we might miss all the wonderful things that life is offering.
Gratefulness allows us to be more positive and mindful of the milestones that we achieved. It validates our efforts and makes us remember all the hard work and the reward it brought us.
Being grateful is not limited to achievements, a favorable situation is worthy to be thankful for. A fine weather can be a reason to celebrate. A rain after a dry spell is a beautiful blessing. Celebrating does not mean that we have to spend money or do something extravagant. A chocolate, coffee, or a pat on our back is a form of celebration. A gesture of genuine gratefulness suffices as a reward. When I first had an approved article on a website that I admire, I celebrated by having a late-night coffee under the dark sky and expressed my thanks to the Lord.
We do not have to wait for a big achievement before we congratulate ourselves. Every small milestone is a great reason to be thankful and celebrate life.
[…] 2. Celebrate every achievement. […]